Award winning Manuka Therapy 30% honey creme contains a large percentage of medical grade Manuka honey to maximize healing. Manuka honey has beneficial effects on our skin due largely to the diverse range of flavonoids and phenolic acids it contains. Formulated with generous volumes of effective anti-inflammatory botanical oils and extracts to help replace lost moisture in the skin. Contains bee propolis for its capacity to help skin cell growth & wound repair. Fragrance & artificial colour free. Use as needed. Apply to damaged skin and gently rub in. The photos of Jame's skin are very graphic. The first photo shows James's skin radiation burns from cancer treatment and with the prescription cream on his face. The second image shows the top half of Jame's face with our Manuka Therapy 30% honey cream and the lower half with the prescription cream. The 3rd photo shows James' skin clear after changing treatment for the total burn area to Manuka therapy 30% honey cream.